加拿大水產動物新管理規定出爐加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)將2012年12月10日前訂為推行進口許可證等貿易相關規定生效前的過渡期。而自2011年12月10日起所有進口加拿大的水產動物(有鰭魚、軟體動物及甲殼類動物)適用此對加拿大水產動物進口商商務中心來說是重大變革的新管理規定。 CFIA於過渡期間提供取得水產動物健康証明的資訊、輔導水產動物進口商取得規定所需的許可證及其他相關文件、核發進口許可證。 外國貿易合作夥伴亦須於過渡期出示出口證明。倘引進加拿大水域的水產動物存有宜蘭民宿重大疾病風險疑慮,CFIA將採取相關強制行動。 動物健康規定第三類清單上的所有水產動物於2012年12月10日後皆需取得CFIA許可證;未持許可證的貨物恐被拒入加拿大。欲知詳情可上網站查詢。 (摘譯自INFOFISH 宜蘭民宿Trade News, No. 02/2012,2 Feb. 2012) NEW REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR AQUATIC ANIMALS STREAM OF COMMERCE POLICY Since 10 December, 2011, there are new requirements for all aquatic animals (finfish, molluscs and 清境crustaceans) imported into Canada. These new import permit requirements represent a significant regulatory change for importers of aquatic animals to Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is implementing 台灣房屋a Stream of Commerce Policy and will be in effect until 10 December, 2012 to allow for a transition period before the import permit requirements are enforce. During this transition period, the CFIA will: i) provide 鍍膜information on the new requirements for an aquatic animal health permit; ii) advise importers of aquatic animals on where and how to obtain all of the required permits and other documentation; and iii) issue import 酒店經紀permits. Foreign trading partners will also be informed of their obligations for providing export certification during this transition period. The CFIA will take enforcement action if there is a risk of introducing 翻譯社a significant aquatic animal disease into Canadian waters. After 10 December, 2012, a CFIA permit will be required for any species listed in Schedule III of the Health of Animals Regulations. Without this permit, a 九份民宿shipment could be refused entry into Canada. More information can be obtained from

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